Times and Seasons


February 6, 2024.

#3 Times and Seasons

~ Summers, winters, springs are all seasons. But no one summer, winter or spring is ever the same.

Once upon a time, I admired the Casio wrist-watch so much. I wanted one but I could never seem to afford it because back then, I was in secondary school. No one would get it for me. So, I admired it on anyone that wore it, with googly eyes.

Fast forward to a few years ago, the Casio watch phase had died down. Now, it was the Apple Watch. Everyone was wearing an Apple Watch, and with good reason. It was pretty.

Where am I going with this? I’m glad you asked. Times always change. If there’s something that is consistent in life, it is that the sun will rise and morning will come again. And with every morning, there’s also a brand new day, or a brand new start.

I think it’s sad, though. Especially when you’re going through something and no one seems to care. Just, WORLD STOP. But the world won’t stop, the world never stops for anyone. You have to go through that shit, and come out of it victorious.

A little birdie once told me to focus only on things I can control. While that is hard, it’s doable. The best part is even if you run off course by thinking about the things you can’t control (and you will), you can try again. You can always always always try anything again, never forget that, Reader.

Someday, it will be a more expensive watch (or anything you’ve ever wanted) that you have your eyes on. Personally, I want a Rolex. To attain that, it’s best to get better at your craft or whatever you do. Give it everything it takes, chase excellence at your work. But don’t forget to relax, too. Fret less. Stress less.

You can do it. I’m rooting for you.

From Shalom, with love ❤️

Lagos, Nigeria.
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Shalom Tewobola

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