What’s the point?

February 27, 2024.

#6 What’s the point?

~ Have you ever wondered about the point?

As a matter of fact, there’s a point where everything meets that surface touches. Everything in the world: you, light, animals, nature, rocks, etc.

As you walk on a pavement with a stranger you’ll never see again, and both of you head towards different directions, there’s a millisecond of equal footing. It has happened so many times that you probably don’t notice it anymore, you consider it normal. Well, it’s normal. But I still notice it.

A fun fact is this doesn’t just happen with strangers near you. As you stand on the Earth’s surface, there’s a person you cannot see, perhaps on the other side of the world, who is standing on the same level as you. You may have been on equal footing with your future significant other before, who knows?

Isn’t it magical, how we are all connected? We all see the blue sky and the night stars, even though we may be in different timelines. That alone is enough to create a strong bond, understanding that we’re all in the same place, doing different things, at different times.

There’s no lesson in particular today. But there’s something I’d like you to do. Extend a hand of kindness to somebody you don’t know. This could be any action at all, the important part is that you do something for somebody you don’t know. Your points just may cross again, and even if they don’t, they’ll never forget you.

All my love ❤️


Lagos, Nigeria.
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Shalom Tewobola

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