
Shalom Tewobola

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What’s the point?

a newsletter for all and sundry 💞 February 27, 2024. #6 What’s the point? ~ Have you ever wondered about the point? As a matter of fact, there’s a point where everything meets that surface touches. Everything in the world: you, light, animals, nature, rocks, etc. As you walk on a pavement with a stranger you’ll never see again, and both of you head towards different directions, there’s a millisecond of equal footing. It has happened so many times that you probably don’t notice it anymore, you...

a newsletter for all and sundry 💞 February 20, 2024. #5 It’s finally raining! ~ I love the rain, I wish it would rain everyday. In a perfect world, we’re all supposed to be curled up on our beds, watching our favorite sitcoms and laughing our hearts out. Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect world. At least, not yet. There is good news, though. I have a story for you, so grab a hot coffee and dive in. I watched a Tiktok on Sunday. It was about a woman (45) who fell in love with a guy she met...

a newsletter for all and sundry 💞 February 6, 2024. #3 Times and Seasons ~ Summers, winters, springs are all seasons. But no one summer, winter or spring is ever the same. Once upon a time, I admired the Casio wrist-watch so much. I wanted one but I could never seem to afford it because back then, I was in secondary school. No one would get it for me. So, I admired it on anyone that wore it, with googly eyes. Fast forward to a few years ago, the Casio watch phase had died down. Now, it was...

a newsletter for all and sundry 💞 January 30, 2024. #2 Road Trips and False Realities ~ You don’t need permission from anyone to be yourself. I hate Nigerian roads so much. I was on a road trip to Ibadan, turning and body swerving, when I realized something. People will always push realities on you. I use Twitter a lot so I know this, first hand. It gets to the extent that people will fight you, just so that you can accept a reality you don’t want. For instance, if I say I want to get married...